Saturday, January 9, 2016

We've arrived

We arrived a little early. Mom was met by a marhaba who whisked her through passport control and had a porter get her 4(!) bags. I was brought off the plane and taken wait to be imported. Mom went to our hotel, but since it was only about 9 am, they had no rooms and she couldn't check in. Dad was at work, and Mom was going to cry. She was able to get a hold of Dad who called his hotel and put her name on the reservation. She took a cab over there and only brought one suitcase with her. Once I was ready to be cleared by customs, Dubai Kennels and Cattery (DKC) checked on me. They told mom that I was "very friendly and inquisitive" Once done with the clearance, they brought me to their facility. Mom was passed out at Dad's hotel and Dad was still at work, so even though I got there about noon, mom and Dad didn't get me until about 2:30. It was happy to see them but also tired so didn't get as excited as they thought I would. DKC said it is normal for pups to be tired and sleep a lot for a day or so. I did, but so did mom. 

That night we took this picture.

We are happy to be together again. 

The next day Mom and I slept a lot and Dad was at work. Then we went to look we went to go look at a house and I came cause I am not allowed to stay in the hotel alone, so mom and Dad left me in the car with the air blasting. We like the house and the yard, but cannot move in until Feb 1, so it looks like we will stay in the hotel until then. We might look into an AirBnB for the second half of this month so that Mom and Dad can actually go places at the same time and leave me. When we got back Mom went to the mall to buy herself new adapters for her laptop and her phone. She wanted to get out of the hotel room. She also got her Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. She has had it before, says it is pretty good, but not what she is used to. She misses her DD runs with her friends at work. Another thing not available here...half and half. She knew that too though when we decided to come.

Yesterday we slept more and mom got her SIM card for her phone so she has a local number now. 

Today Dad told me that I'd feel soooo much better after a bath...yeah right. I don't like to go to the groomer because I think having my nails trimmed is the end of the world. Mom and Dad went to look at cars for her while I was "tortured." Well, I look good at least.

Until next time,



  1. Poor Rupert looks traumatized in the last pic!

    Can you get half cream half milk at DD? Important questions.

    1. Unfortunately cream is just not really a thing. Only milk is available at coffee shops. Once we have a place I will probably try to make my own by buying heavy cream and milk, I'll let you know how it works!

  2. The worst is people are blowing you kisses.

  3. Looks like Rupert is a hit! God you made it
