Thursday, September 13, 2018

America 2018

Day 1 - The Sky

Do I enjoy a 14.5 hour flight? No. However, it is less annoying when you are flying Business class. On Monday, we we up all day and we left at 2:20AM on Tuesday morning. 

We had a chauffeured ride to the airport where we hung out in the Emirates Business Lounge for a few hours.

Then we flew from DXB-IAD. We were on an A380, and it was not too shabby. 

I even had the divider in case someone drove me bananas.

We got Blvgari swag. 

Will I ever use any of it? Probably not. Except the tissues because someone gave me a cold. After we took off we ate and I drank several glasses of the Bordeaux.

and then we went to the on-board lounge.

I had an old-fashioned and it was decent. 

Then we went to sleep...and by that I mean I tossed and turned for hours then slept for about 4. Marcus slept for probably 7...when I woke up I went back to the bar for 2 Espresso martinis, they were delicious. 

Still Day 1 - because we time traveled - NoVA/DC

After we landed at 8:20AM local time we went to MIke and Ginger's house and I loved on the babies. Then we went to the ever delicious Chik-fil-a.


I attempted and failed at taking a nap, at about 5PM we took an Uber to West Falls Church and then took the metro into DC for the Nats game. I still have over 100$ on my SmarTrip card from work. I got sad riding past all my old stops. 

The game was pretty bad, the Nats are seriously sucking. 

We were in the Stars and Stripes has a different name now, so I went inside for a treat.

We left the game early, it was about 10PM, by the time we got back to Mike and Ginger's it was midnight. I was dragging, but I was glad we went. 

Day 2 - NoVA

Winery day. I slept until almost 11AM. We started at La Grange, then went to Blue Valley. Around 5 we left and went to 2 Silos. We got to see Marcus's parents and Mike's parents and our friends Mark and Sarah. I didn't have much time for photos because I was busy with wonderful little people. 

We came back and drank more wine and talked about life and played with babies. 

Day 3 - DCA - HSV

We got up and Mike took us to the airport. It took an hour and a half to get there because even though we were in the HOV lane, there were 3 accidents on our way, we checked in out bags with 5 minutes to spare. Then we had just enough time to grab a DD coffee and a snack before we had to board our flight. Let me tell you what, a CRJ700 is about an 80th of the size of an A380, I hit my head three times on an our and a half flight...that has to be a record. We we got here my parents had landed only 20 minutes before us so they were waiting for us. We got to the hotel and then went to a gluten free place for some good lunch, but a crap GF beer. We went back to headquarters and started to see lots of family, I tried and failed to take a nap. Brenna and I escaped to get our nails done and when we got back I drank some gluten free beer and then went to sleep at 9PM. 

Day 4 - HSV

I woke up from about 4-6AM, but then slept until 9, it was glorious. Brenna, Brooke (a bridesmaid), Marcus and I went to Chik-fil-a, I have to get my fill while I am here. Then I went to the gym, after I got ready for the rehearsal. Fast-forwarding, the rehearsal dinner was nice and it was nice to meet Josh's Mom and Dad. 

 After the dinner we had a mixer for all the guests because nearly everyone was from out of town. I hadn't seen some of my Dad's side of the family since I was a teenager and I hadn't met most of their children, it was really nice to see them all and to visit with them. I ended up going to the room around 10:30 or so, Marcus stayed down longer.

Day 5 - HSV - Wedding Day

I reported for duty at 10AM. We got our hair and makeup done and had spiked sparkling water and mimosas on hand. It was a lot of fun meeting Brenna's other bridesmaids as I only knew one (Brooke). After getting beautiful we got dressed and went to do pictures, then we went to the venue, had the lovely ceremony, I cried, and then it was time for more photos. We got to the reception about 6:30. I had a lot of fun dancing even though my husband danced to the bare minimum, and seeing friends and family. There was also a super good photo booth. Here are some good shots.
Pretty hair

Before the reception



Dad, Josh, Brenna, Mom, Me

Burton cousins minus David and Ryan

We so fly

Me and my Godmother

Enjoying the reception

Legend of Zelda sword used for cake cutting
It was a lot of fun but by the time we were done I was shatteredddddd.

Day 6 - HSV-DCA

It was Marcus's 33rd birthday. I went down for breakfast and to visit with everyone before they left, then I ended up shoving everything into my suitcase and having ten minutes to finish my goodbyes before my Dad loaded us into the van and took Marcus and I to the airport. HSV is a small airport, we had a lot of time. We saw Ian waiting for his flight to Charlotte, so luckily got to say goodbye to him as well. The ride into DCA was BUMPY and we did not have the River Visual...we had the ILS, too bad because the River Visual is one of the most beautiful approaches in the world, in my opinion. It was raining when we landed but I didn't mind, it's been a while since I've seen rain. Marcus's Dad and sister picked us up from the airport and drove us to the Darcy hotel. 

Washington Monument, never gets old 
Me and the birthday boy. 

For dinner we went to Le Diplomate, all of us ordered steak frites. 

Dinner was delicious, and so was the creme brûlée we had for dessert.

Catie, Marcus, his Mom, his Dad, Me

Day 6 - DC

Marcus and his sister and Dad got up early and went to Chatter for the taping of the Tony Kornhheiser podcast. I wanted to sleep in. Then there was a royal eff up by the boarder who was supposed to drop Rupert off at our Norwegian friends today. We found out when Marcus messaged Torgeir to check on Ruper that he had never been delivered. So, I then tried calling two different numbers several times and no one was answering, I also sent an email. I had to facebook message the establishment to get a response. I was pissed but he was then specially brought to our friend's, even though he did not arrive until 8:05PM Dubai time. After he got there and I calmed down we headed out for lunch at the National Museum of the American Indian, and then went to the Air and Space Museum. Marcus and I were in a Navy flight simulator, he flew and I was the gunner, but really he did a bunch of barrel rolls and turns to flip us around. It was fun. We also watched a show in the Planetarium. Then back to the hotel for a rest. At 5:30 went went down for a "Darcy Double," a cocktail made with all DC based ingredients, it was tasty. 

Then I went for dinner with my friends Whitney and Robin at Rosa Mexicano. It was so nice to see them but we missed Allie!!!

After dinner we headed to Iron Horse for a few more drinks and bar games, but we talked so much we didn't play games.

Then I came back to the hotel and Marcus had some gluten free carrot cake for me, it was pretty good. 

Day 7 - DC - NYC

We left DC and flew to JFK. After storing our bags we took the Subway to Fifth Avenue. We walked past the Hilton on the Avenue of the Americas were we stayed when we first started dating.

Marcus found a deli for lunch, Rupert Jee's Hello Deli. Marcus thought it sounded familiar when we picked it but didn't realize until we got there that it was the deli that was on the Late Show with David Letterman every week or so. I had a pastrami sandwich with all the good stuff and Marcus had a chicken salad with bacon sandwich. Then we wandered to Times Square

then Central Park, then had a half bottle of Champagne at the Peninsula Hotel. If you ever find yourself by a Peninsula Hotel stop in at a bar for a glass of the Peninsula brand wine or champagne, it's pretty good. We've had it in Hong Kong, Beijing and now NYC. 

We took the Subway back to the airport and waited for our flight to Milan. 

Dog Mom Out.

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