Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Catching up


On Thursday (which is the end of the work-week in this country) in the evening Mom, Dad and I all went over to this guy named Denny's house for a braai, which is what South Africans call a barbecue. He has two kids and the young one and I became fast friends when he was sharing his bull tongue with me (it was like jerky, Mom and Dad tried it too). I got to run around a small yard and a house and get more food from another little Turkish boy that came and got lots of attention and pets from everyone there. Mom and I got to meet the other people in Dad's class, Denny from South Africa, who used to work at Al Ain Center in Abu Dhabi, and his wife and two kids, a guy from Sweden who also used to work at Al Ain Center and his wife, a guy from Denmark, and then a lady that works with Denny's wife and her husband and son from Turkey were there as well. The humans got to eat some may good looking things...pork ribs, lamb chops, veal sausages, potato bake, and other sides. Everybody had fun and it was nice to get out of the hotel. I must have been good because they said they'll babysit anytime.

Friday Mom found a place where we could eat on the patio and I was allowed to join. I was good and laid down for the most part, but I did get up a few times sniffing wildly for what I thought were crumbs that dropped but alas were not.

I went to my first day at daycare here last Saturday! They have a fun outdoor area with agility stuff that they use when the weather is not too hot, so when I got there for my assessment (to be sure I'd fit in) we got to go outside. I was a good boy so Mom and Dad left me for a few hours while they went to go look at a car.

After 11 days in the hotel we have moved to an AirBnB on Sunday afternoon, I have no idea what is going on but when the suitcases start to be packed and moved around I freak out. Mom was still in the room while Dad took them downstairs when we left the hotel but I was still going crazy. Once we all got in the car with our things I was okay though. We have moved from a hotel right near the Mall of the Emirates to a studio condo in a building right near the Dubai Mall. This is me blogging from the new place.

Mom wanted a place where she has a fridge and oven and washing machine...but they tricked her and the oven doesn't work...luckily there is a one burner electric type thing and what is the equivalent of a George Foreman Grill. She is talking about moving again and I just don't know what to think about that, but she says I will have all my toys and my bed and that it will be the last move. She says it will be February 1st. 

That car they looked at while I was at daycare Mom wants, she is getting hers first because when Dad gets his he wants a manual. So this will be Mom's car but will be driven a lot by Dad for a while until we get a second car. She hops to have all the paperwork done and have the car by January 30 (hopefully sooner).

Also, Mom found British single cream, which is the closest thing yet to half and half. 

Until next time,


  1. Glad you have your priorities...hahah cream for your coffee. Life sounds interesting. Rupert you are the prince!Dogs are almost always good icebreakers. :)

  2. Yay! Glad things are going well! Boo on the oven

  3. Sorry you're moving so much Rupert! Your cousin Benson knows how you feel. He doesnt like it either.

    Glad you guys are making friends and settling in!
