Monday, January 25, 2016

Slingbox and such

Mom is watching NCIS on Slingbox right now on her iPad, Dad is studying, and I am lying around. Mom went and got an manicure and pedicure today at a place in the building where we are staying that we walk by all the time. She looked them up and they had good reviews so she decided to go. The were all very nice and did a good job.

On Friday late afternoon/early evening we took a walk over to a park near the Burj Khalifa (because parks are generally where grass can be found). It said to go on the weekdays to avoid crowds but we figured oh well it probably won't be too bad. Well first there is this big square you have to walk through to get to the bridge to bring you over the the park. Small human were everywhere! On skates and scooters and dumb segways without handles and they would scream at me and run around, I wasn't thrilled but was a good boy and we made it through there as fast as we could. As we continued to walk two small white dogs who were making a racket with pink and blue dye jobs were on the bridge and people were fawning over those yappers so we got over the bridge fast. Then we realized, uhhh there is a huge event and people are everywhere. We figured out it is Dubai Shopping Festival. It was a bunch of stores with little tents and food vendors and all sorts of things. First we avoided the big area and found a nice grass area on the other side of some bushes and we ran around there. 

Then we decided to check out the activities. We found a pet store/groomer/boarder's tent and I got attention there and some goat heart treats from the lady working and also Mom bought me some toothbrush treats because she says my breath is awful. They are called Whimzees and are from Holland. I met a dog there and I was good but I wanted to play really bad. After we left there we walked around and as usual so many people were smiling at me and saying things about how cute I was. I was also a really good ambassador and let several little kids (who asked and were well-behaved) pet me. I saw a few other dogs. One little brittany spaniel puppy came over and much to Dad's chagrin the owner let him circle all around me and he had one of those awful retractable leashes and we got super tangled. Dad figured it out though and we were freed.

They have been out shopping a lot and report they have purchased a bed, 2 nightstands, a dresser and mirror for the bedroom, and a table and side-bar for the dining room. They tried to explain what they look but I'm colorblind so whatever. I do know it is a high dining table because that is what Mom likes. 

Yesterday Mom and Dad went over to the new house to see the owner (soon to be landlords) to figure out what to do about the electricity, gas, phone, etc. They are nice and offered drinks and gave them treats from Iran (they are Iranian) and are very helpful. Then they all went to DEWA to set up electricity and water, but that is all boring. We might get the keys on Friday night and that would be nice so that we can maybe organize some things before Monday when the shipping container gets delivered and the furniture Mom and Dad bought the last few days gets delivered and I run around my new house totally confused and wondering who the heck all the people are and why there are 2307534 pieces of things on the floor that men are using drills to put together and why other people are unpacking boxes. Should be fun (?)

Dog out. 


  1. Hang in there'll love all the space! Market day sounds like it was interesting...I bet you'll go back; or at least M & M will. :)

  2. Busy week! Glad you finally are all semi settled in a place you can relax in! We have whimzees here at petsmart. I got them a couple months ago for the pugs and they kept barfing in the middle of the night. We stopped those and switched to greenies and no barfing since then, hope Tooter does ok with them! And FYI the pugs are on the normal non retractable double leash. Way less dangerous near Jia when she wants to walk the doggies.
