Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Moved In

Guest post - Mom

So we moved in on Monday. The night before we programmed the location of the house into the cars navigation for me since I didn't really know where to go and because it would be the - count it - 4th time driving on the roads, with 1 being a short test drive and 2 occurring that evening. 

So Monday, I woke up, got the rest of the stuff from the AirBnB into the car, then the movers called and told me that they would be be in about 30-40 mnutes...well they called at 8, and they were not supposed to be there until 9:30, so cue me getting nervous. I loaded up Rupert, and left. I start driving and after about 15 it doesn't make sense because I was doing more merging than I thought I needed to and the ETA seemed off, I checked where I was going...somehow the last place of the previous owner was programmed as 'home.' I flipped out. I guess that maybe it paired with Marcus's key? I have no idea. I manage to get Jumeirah Village Triangle into my phone and figure I can maybe find my way from there. I made it, then got lost in the neighborhood, then found a point on the map that was near to where the villa was, so followed that. 

Then 9 comes, no movers, then they still aren't there, then they call me and tell me they can't find it, I don't know how to give them directions, they ask what gate to come in, I say 2, they are at 3, it is a disaster. They ask me to come get them, so I do. Then we come in and the security people stop me and ask if I have filled out a move-in request....I'm like, excuse me? No one told me about any of that, then he gives me some long explanation that I could not really understand and tells me I can call they person in charge and see if they will still let me move in because someone else in moving in in district 2....well I am moving into district 9, and this place is could have 20 people moving in in one day, so I call that person and I am trying to call Marcus but he's at work but at this point I am crying then the person comes and tries to give me another poor explanation and then said I can go and they will bring the form to me. So the movers follow me to the house, well that morning some guys were going around putting the new villa signs up, so we went from being villa 3, to being villa 9I17...well the movers saw the sign and were like you said 3, and I'm like we were 3 until about an hour ago and walked away because I wasn't dealing with it. Then they started to unload, then the guy comes with the form, it has all sorts of ridiculous things on it like passport copies of the movers...I'm like what the hell, Marcus has called them by that point and they said they would drop it off and come back later. The form still sits here 2 days later...and like I said I didn't ask the movers for their freaking passports. They leave. Du comes at 12 to connect the internet, he got lost because of the new villa sings but other than that it was smooth sailing. I start unpacking a few things. A little while later at like 2 the doorbell rings, I think that IKEA is here early, no, it's the movers, they say that the check is no good because Marcus wrote two letters over each other...see exhibit A. Please ignore his misspelling of hundred.

Exhibit A. 

I am like are you serious. He asked me to write another check, I said I don't have them and I can't anyway (I am not on the account yet because I don't have my visa yet) then he said, "so you want to pay cash" and I say I don't have any cash. Then I said I will go get money, he wants to know how long, I say I don't know, 15 minutes? (I don't even know where the closest ATM is). I leave and go park. Marcus will be home at 3, it is clear they won't leave until they get money. I call him, Marcus calls his contact, she calls the office, she calls me back and says it is because of the letters so they won't take it. I say okay well I have to go to an ATM so they have to wait, so said she would call and tell them. It takes me more like 30 or so minutes to get to the closest ATM and back. I pay them, they leave, hopefully to never come back. 

Then IKEA arrives a bit early but that is okay. When they called to say they were on their way Marcus alerted them to the new villa number so there would be no issues. They start bringing stuff up and then Marcus gets home. Phew, I don't have to talk to people anymore. Then right as IKEA finishes the Home Centre people with our dining room table, chairs and side bar come and then that is done. 

So it all got done but it was a long and frustrating day with lost of overwhelmed crying/sobbing. 

Good news is Rupert seems to love his new castle. I will love it too once it is clean, which two lovely ladies are taking are of right now.

Now if I can figure out this washing machine...


1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm interesting symbols. Google them I guess. Sounds like a long day....but you made it through....and it looks great.
