Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Catching up

Well it's been a while since I blogged. 

Mom finally got her Emirates ID on March 3. Getting that was easy, she just picked it up at the indicated post office. But then she went to get her driver's license...that was a doozy. She thought she had all the paperwork she needed, copy of her Emirates ID, copy of her US drivers license, copy of her passport and residence visa, and letter of no objection from Dad saying she could drive. Well she got her number and went up, the guy said she also needed copies of Dad's Emirates ID and Residence visa, so they went to a copy place (luckily in same building, and then came back, well then that still was not enough she also needed Dad's passport copy, so they got that, then she finally had all the papers and get her license, it took forever and she was annoyed. But now she has it all and is done-done.

Lots of birds come to our yard and eat stuff out of the grass, we don't know what thought. Some look really cool.

I get excited when I see all the birds so Mom let's me out to chase them (she says she knows I can't catch them). They also like to 'bathe' in the sand/dirt between the plants, it is weird. Mom filled up a bird bath to try to watch more birds but sometimes I try to drink from it while outside playing so she may have to empty it. 

Let's see, what else, what else. Dad bought this fleece blanket and mini pillow once on a Virgin Atlantic flight and Mom brought it downstairs recently, and I am pretty sure that the pillow was intended for me, Mom frequently tries to tell me that it is not for me, but I lay on it nonetheless. 

I also went to the vet last week because I was due for a shot, and now I am registered with the municipality, and I have Arabic on my tag! I am such an international dog!

Mom and Dad have decided to take up tennis. There are a number of basketball and tennis courts in the neighborhood, but to get to a gym you have to drive, so Mom works out in the house and asked Dad to but he wasn't too interested, so she said we could play tennis. He agreed, they both kind of played when younger so they went and bought some rackets and balls and are playing. Sounds like they are not keeping score for now, just kind of trying to volley. 

Dog out,


  1. Have fun playing tennis! We will have to play when I visit!

  2. Those birds are cool..try to get some more pictures 😄. Maybe Rupert will get to chase the tennis balls that go awry haha...tennis is a great activity. My biggest problem was most people I played were too competitive and I just wanted to have fun. That said...I know you Megan...hahah so watch out Marcus haha

    1. Yeah but I am not good enough to be competetive yet. I want him to be the ball boy but Marcus said he will just pick it up run around with it in his mouth and then go chew it...which is probably true.
