Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Guess we skipped April

It's getting hot friends. And as you know I have a lot of fur, yet, for some reason, I still enjoy cooking myself on the pavers 

so Dad tries to furminate me every so often, more often recently, and I'm not a fan.


Mom bought stuff to make a wedding scrapbook back when they got married, and finally made it this past week+.

During the creating 

Cover of the book, she got it for her shower from her registry 

Here are some examples of the pages she made. Not the whole book but a good sampling.


A week or so ago mom let me out to roam around like usual and then like 15 minutes later went to check on me and I was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. She started screaming my name and then in the house again just in case then got my leash and started to walk down the sidewalk no knowing where to start, a minute or so later her phone rang and a guy with a British accent asked her "Are you looking for Rupert?" She said yes yes yes I just noticed he was gone so went out to look. Mom is not sure exactly what happened but somehow I got out and was down near a yard with dogs in it when this guy walked by with his two dogs who I decided looked fun so I started following them. He figured I seemed nice enough so looped me into one of his dog's leashes and checked my tags and first called Dad who was at work and left a message but then called the second number which was Mom. I was right down the road so Mom ran down to meet me. She thanked him profusely and he told her that above information. Mom and Dad were still trying to figure out how I got out because I have a wide chest. They decided to be safe and a few days later went to get some chicken wire, which they put up on the fence along the carport and the front gate. When Mom was out getting the wire ready and Dad was inside she looked over and saw me halfway out between two of the pieces of wrought iron and yelled my name then went out the gate to get me, I was apparently trying to get out to pee/mark in front of the house. Mom isn't sure but it might have to do with the cats that come in the yard or the people that come and stick menus in the gate. Once I had marked who knows maybe I'd have gone off exploring again. The wire is up now (you can't see it probably but it starts at those horizontal bars part way up the gate and goes to the bottom) and sometimes she catches me doing this. She thinks maybe since I can't mark right in front I need to be there to ensure there are no solicitors or cats.


I have also started hanging out in a new place in the house...mainly when mom is in the shower.

Other Stuff

Mom and Dad also drove to Ras al-khaimah (a different emirate) on Dad's last weekend to go stock up on alcohol as it is 30% cheaper out there. Worth it if you're buying a lot. They saw a whole camel drive on the side of the road but Mom couldn't get a pic so she just enjoyed it. They also saw a handful of other ones along the road in other places. 

Dog Out,


  1. The wedding album looks great and I love Rupert's feet sticking out from under the bed!

  2. I agree looks great! Nice to have all that space to spread things out on and get them organized. That would have never worked in the condo...hahahaha Glad Rupert is always up to something... :)
    A camel don't see that everyday. :)
