Thursday, May 26, 2016

Past Month

Guest Blogger: Mom 


We did another puzzle, this one was given to us by Nain and Taid a few years ago. They go live in Hilton Head Island every year from about Thanksgiving to Easter. We visited them there twice and Marcus went every year as a kid and even one year I couldn't go. The puzzle also included a '5x7 souvenir puzzle.' It was poorly cut and about every third piece was the same exact shape so we messed it up a few times ha.



At the beginning of the month one of our friends was here for work so we were able to get to get together with him a few times. We went out to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant with two of his coworkers and ate so. much. food.. We also went to the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, which is the one shaped like a wave that is right near the Burj Al Arab (the one that looks like a sail that is the only "7 star hotel in the world." It was fun and I went into the sea and played in the waves. Marcus was not interested in the water so stayed on the beach. It was nice to see someone that we knew.  

Photo courtesy of Kevin's FB page. 

Check Out

Marcus checked out on May 10 👏. He is now fully certified here. We went out that night for a few drinks.
From when we went out that night.  

After the other guys that were in his class check out we might have a small party. 1 other one is done, so 3 left. 

Anniversary and Rupert's Bad Hair Cut

On our 3 year anniversary everyone in the family went to the spa. We went to Saray Spa at the JW Marriott Marquis to get massages and Rupert went to be groomed. I provided a picture of what I wanted from a few years ago when he was groomed. 

Exhibit A. Hair cut in 2012.

We dropped him off at the groomer before we went for our treatments. My massage was spectacular and I also used the crazy lit shower thing whose name I cannot remember that you use after the steam room and Jacuzzi (both of which I also used). Marcus reported that his massage was also very nice. So then we left the spa and went back to the groomer. When picked up he looked like this.


When one or two days before he looked like this. Beautiful. I just wanted the extra overgrowth off the back of his front and hind legs and his ears and tail trimmed slightly and his belly taken care of. He isn't going back there. Now when a razor is turned on in the house he runs away. 
 Exhibit C. Him in all his glory
That night we made what we wanted for dinner on the grill (I made a grouper fillet, called hammour here) and marcus made burgers. We had some good wine too. And I made brownies for dessert. Special thanks to Aunt Liz and my Mom who sent us anniversary cards. It was much appreciated :-)


It is getting super hot. The "feels like" has been as high as 128 when I have looked. The actual temp above 100.  It's been in the 90s-100s mostly. But at night and in the morning it's in the 80s. Therefore, I don't let Rupert out for very long in the middle of the day. HOWEVER, he insists on cooking himself on the pavers, so I have to yell at him to come in because he is insane. But yesterday he was smart and decided to lay on the grass to bake.

Baking in the grass in the 100+ degree weather. 

Of course then today we was back on the pavers...sigh. And he refuses to use the like 80$ cooling mat that he is supposed to lay on that we bought him. Waste of money.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. The heat sounds does Rupert stand it? I like the party idea (of course 😄) start planning now. Call for ideas. I was thinking about writing on my blog, but the computer is acting I'm reading blogs instead. Sounds like all is well for now. Stay cool. ❤️
